2016, the sale of luxury homes guide the growth of real estate

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After seven years of crisis, the Italian real estate sector seems to have finally reached the stage of consolidation, with even a small increase in sales and declining prices less and less significant. Istat data and studies of Nomisma agree: the recovery you can not define but there is striking, is already in place and to tow it is the highest segment of the real estate sector.

The buying and selling of real estate, in fact, already in the first half of 2015 reached a respectable 32% increase compared to the transactions of 2014, and is recording the first signs of price growth after four years of declines (+ 0.2%) . "We agree with the statements made by Istat and Nomisma" declared the head quarter of the portal www.luxforsale.it ", as pointed out in our real estate observers, we are noticing a growing interest for several years now to the real estate" According to the most optimistic forecasts, from the first half of 2016 we could see the permanent withdrawal of the drop in real estate prices and a gradual increase that will see its consolidation in 2017.

The square better investment turned out to be that of Milan, especially the Fashion and the Magenta area where took place the most important transactions, which rose from just over 11 million to over 17 million euro. The increase is attributable not only to Italian investors, but instead demonstrates a significant interest from foreign investors is essential opportunity must be utilized. And 'the North Italy then to drive the recovery, with values ​​that exceed the national average by 8.4% in the third quarter of 2015, reaching a good 10%, while the South is still behind (Roma separately), although here who purchases the largest number of dwellings.

The recovery is transversal and involves all real estate sectors, supported by "very positive changes" from the previous year for the granting of mortgages, loans and bonds funded mortgage: basic prerequisites for the start of 2016, which could mark the turning point for the Italian property market.

Array ( [cf_id] => Array ( [0] => usr [1] => property_city [2] => property_contract_type [3] => property_type [4] => property_country [5] => property_province [6] => property_state [7] => property_locality [8] => property_price [9] => property_price ) [cf_label] => Array ( [0] => Agency [1] => City [2] => Contract [3] => Type [4] => Country [5] => Province [6] => State [7] => Locality [8] => Min price [9] => Max price ) [filter_id] => Array ( [0] => user [1] => city [2] => contract_type [3] => type [4] => country [5] => province [6] => state [7] => locality [8] => price_min [9] => price_max ) [value_label] => Array ( ) [operator_id] => Array ( ) [operator_label] => Array ( ) )