Assault by large investors in the italian luxury real estate market

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The second semester of 2017 and the first months of 2018, register a real assault by Italian and foreign investors in the luxury real estate market in Italy. Residential, commercial and hotel as long as in areas known and with a minimum income. The wind has perhaps definitely changed, if we consider the movement recorded in the last 8-10 months where the major investors, private individuals, groups, but especially the funds, that have identified specific characteristics are moving. The research focuses, in fact, on large cities such as Milan, Rome, Florence and Venice, but also on popular tourist locations or properties that can boast unique characteristics. Among the requests you can write down buildings and hotels in cities of art, department stores in commercial areas, large properties on the sea, but also real estate transactions with vineyards. The most sought after types are undoubtedly 4/5 star hotels and medium / large properties, already leased to major brands or to be quickly put to income. Are the buyers both Italian and foreign? North Europeans, Americans, but also investors from the East, who can boast big capital. The goal is clear, to acquire properties in unique areas, able to guarantee a conservative investment, with a monthly rent deriving from the lease and a possible capital gain on the resale. The annuity requested starts from about 5% per annum to rise, even if it depends a lot on the type of product, which if considered particularly attractive, can afford to have even slightly lower returns. The advice that we recommend to sellers is to straighten the antennas and as soon as they have identified properties meeting the characteristics described above to immediately publish them on the portal, an online catalog widely used by both Italian and foreign investors.
Array ( [cf_id] => Array ( [0] => usr [1] => property_city [2] => property_contract_type [3] => property_type [4] => property_country [5] => property_province [6] => property_state [7] => property_locality [8] => property_price [9] => property_price ) [cf_label] => Array ( [0] => Agency [1] => City [2] => Contract [3] => Type [4] => Country [5] => Province [6] => State [7] => Locality [8] => Min price [9] => Max price ) [filter_id] => Array ( [0] => user [1] => city [2] => contract_type [3] => type [4] => country [5] => province [6] => state [7] => locality [8] => price_min [9] => price_max ) [value_label] => Array ( ) [operator_id] => Array ( ) [operator_label] => Array ( ) )