Giuseppe zuccarino, daimm immobiliare genoa and province agency: “we have been operating in the luxury market since 1985“

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Experience is an element that "makes the difference" in the real estate sector, where dynamics change rapidly and you need to be ready to solve the various problems that arise day by day.

Specifically, the Daimm Immobiliare S.R.L. agency, also belonging to the "Luxforsale" family, provides assistance and advice in the luxury real estate market in the areas of Genoa and its province. And it has been doing it with professionalism and competence since 1985.

The owner of the agency, Mr. Giuseppe Zuccarino, answered some questions about the real estate situation in the reference area of ​​his agency, thus helping to give us an idea of ​​the current market and any future developments and prospects.

EB: What is the current trend of the real estate market in the reference area of ​​your agency, therefore Genoa and its province?

GZ: After the last two years in which there has been a significant growth in the luxury market, now I would say that we are in a moment in which the trend is particularly stable.

EB: On the basis of your experience, have you managed to identify a target clientele that turns to your real estate agency?

GZ: Our target clientele is medium-high, and we have been positioned in this range since 1985. Our agency has been a point of reference for some time, for those who want to make an important and lasting investment in the prestigious property sector in the Genoa area. and province.

EB: What are the most popular properties at the moment?

GZ: The most sought-after properties of all are those with gardens and above all terraces with sea views. These types of properties stand out clearly in the market, both in terms of values ​​and sales times that are usually very short, of a few days.

EB: What are the reasons that led you to create the partnership with Luxforsale for your real estate agency?

GZ: Surely to have an exclusive portal for prestigious properties, with a selected national and international clientele, and to be the certified and trusted agency for the valuation and sale of luxury properties with the utmost discretion.

EB: What are - according to your experience in the sector - the possible future developments of the luxury real estate market in your reference area, and in general?

GZ: In general, the luxury market, inherent in tourist areas and cities of art, will be growing with a greater selection of properties. As for the Genoese market, with the construction of the Waterfront, with the idea of ​​making the sea dialogue with the city, and the great attention to the environment and sustainability, an increase in real estate prices is expected in the future.

Net of forecasts, the fact remains that experience, combined with the professionalism and competence of agents and collaborators, is certainly the driving force for achieving new and exciting results.

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