Reit immobiliari: little known, they can represent a turning point in real estate, but what are they?

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Now everyone can see the real revolution that is happening in the real estate market.
This is probably the biggest change ever in the industry. The whys can be traced back to a mix of different situations.

The pandemic has accelerated the processes, even big big names from different sectors have literally thrown themselves into the real estate market, but above all real estate is no longer hermetic as it once was, but embraces
from finance to tech. If until a few years ago real estate was synonymous exclusively with mortgages, today we can talk about crowdfunding, npls, real estate funds, crypto and even metaverse.

The evolution of the operators has brought a graft of novelty and culture towards the final customer, who is increasingly evolved and aware of the fact that the brick represents a solid and probably safer opportunity than any other form of financial investment present in on the market today and consequently is ready to invest in the brick, trusting in a periodic and safer income.

So why are REITs so few known and widespread up to now?
Probably just for a cultural discourse, exactly as it happened a few years ago when I talked about real estate crowdfunding and even the most qualified operators looked at me with wide eyes. The operators are not ready and do not create culture, the mass does not know, if it does not know it does not understand complex terms, it gets scared and does not approach.

In reality, the REIT represents a solution, perhaps the best at this moment, and probably the first to jump into this idea will make important numbers.

But what does the Reit consist of?
eal Estate Investment Trust, or a sort of real estate fund but with 5 fundamental characteristics, which I personally believe make it the main financial / real estate instrument on the market today.
To be recognized as such, a Reit must in fact:
- have 75% of the capital invested in real estate or government bonds
- 75% of its income must derive from rents, sales or mortgages
- 90% of the income must be divided in the form of dividends
- own at least 100 shareholders
- 50% of the company cannot be held by fewer than 5 legal figures

There is no doubt that it is a financial product created to protect investors, guarantee income and based almost exclusively on the solid asset par excellence, the one that all investors are looking for: the property.

What are the benefits of investing in a REIT?
The advantages of a Reit are many and I try to summarize them in 5 points:
1. Liquidity: the annual annuity of a Reit is 15%
2. Facilitated taxation: my capital and my interests are not eroded as in other financial forms
3. Minimum investments: I become a real estate investor with a few euros
4. No worries: collection of coupons from rentals (above all) or sales, without taking care of seeing or dealing with tenants, owners, buyers, sellers, real estate agencies, notaries etc.
5 Diversified investment: the possibility of investing in different products allows the diversification of the investment across multiple products and a consequent reduction in risk.

But then why is there so little talk about it? As always, this is simply a cultural problem. You don't choose what you don't know.

For more information we are always available to provide further details on the matter.

#reit #realestateinvestmenttrust

Array ( [cf_id] => Array ( [0] => usr [1] => property_city [2] => property_contract_type [3] => property_type [4] => property_country [5] => property_province [6] => property_state [7] => property_locality [8] => property_price [9] => property_price ) [cf_label] => Array ( [0] => Agency [1] => City [2] => Contract [3] => Type [4] => Country [5] => Province [6] => State [7] => Locality [8] => Min price [9] => Max price ) [filter_id] => Array ( [0] => user [1] => city [2] => contract_type [3] => type [4] => country [5] => province [6] => state [7] => locality [8] => price_min [9] => price_max ) [value_label] => Array ( ) [operator_id] => Array ( ) [operator_label] => Array ( ) )