The best luxury real estate agencies

Our specials
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We assume that there is no ranking of the best real estate agencies, much less those that deal with an extremely complicated sector such as that of luxury real estate.

Undoubtedly, however, both the buyer and the seller of luxury homes need a very high performance service.

The former in fact have the desire to search for the house of their dreams, leafing through a brochure of desires and relying on highly qualified professionals able to facilitate the sale.

On the other hand, the sellers of luxury properties require maximum confidentiality and a competent real estate operator able to make the most of their property.

Luxforsale's goal is precisely to facilitate buyers, sellers and intermediaries in concluding the deal so that it can satisfy all the parties involved.

The portal is specially designed so that the needs of thousands of targeted daily users from all over the world can meet the offers of over 2000 real estate operators registered on the portal.

All thanks to an easy-to-use portal, which enhances the property and simplifies contact between the parties.

Furthermore, thanks to a series of additional services such as the weekly newsletter aimed at over 15,000 subscribers, extra-visibility spaces such as top and highlighted advertisements and the exclusive "certified agency" service, operators can take advantage of unique services aimed at creating a competitive gap vis-à-vis the competition.

With over 10 years of presence on the market, a great visibility due to the main international media, roggi luxforsale is a reference portal so much that it has become an observatory of the luxury real estate market in Italy.

The best luxury agencies cannot therefore assert with certainty what they are, but we can certainly affirm that those present on Luxforsale (especially if "certified" or with more than one property published) are able to offer a highly performing service for both buyers and for sellers of luxury properties.

Array ( [cf_id] => Array ( [0] => usr [1] => property_city [2] => property_contract_type [3] => property_type [4] => property_country [5] => property_province [6] => property_state [7] => property_locality [8] => property_price [9] => property_price ) [cf_label] => Array ( [0] => Agency [1] => City [2] => Contract [3] => Type [4] => Country [5] => Province [6] => State [7] => Locality [8] => Min price [9] => Max price ) [filter_id] => Array ( [0] => user [1] => city [2] => contract_type [3] => type [4] => country [5] => province [6] => state [7] => locality [8] => price_min [9] => price_max ) [value_label] => Array ( ) [operator_id] => Array ( ) [operator_label] => Array ( ) )