The buyer of luxury properties: sporty, elegant, informed

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What is the identikit of the high-spending buyer who wants luxury properties? Let's find out with the new data coming from the next 2022 Luxforsale Observatory

We are not investigators, but we are extremely data lovers. The numbers, in fact, allow us to get to know the luxury real estate sector in depth and above all help us to intercept the high-spending audience really interested in Luxury Real Estate.
Among the information we collect every day, analyzing the movements of our portal, there are also those relating to the identikit of the ideal buyer on luxury real estate, from which parallel interests, passions and needs are deduced. We have collected them in our new 2022 Observatory, which will be presented on our website in recent weeks.

Wellness: the primary interest of the luxury buyer
Analyzing the data extrapolated from the 2022 Observatory, it is clear that the value universe of the typical buyer is mainly based on three categories of interests: Wellness & Lifestyle, News & Politics and Sport.
Putting the figures down, the absolute most similar interest in luxury among those who move on Luxforsale is represented by the Lifestyle & Wellness category, with 9.7%. A very interesting data, which confirms a feeling that we had already expressed in this article, where we explained how the new attention towards the Wellness macro sector was impressive among the trends of Real Estate Luxury 2022.
The modern buyer of luxury properties therefore pays attention to the property, but often focuses on the so-called accessory features that guarantee a precise standard of well-being within the walls of the house: advanced home automation, green technologies and wellness areas inside the homes.

Information and sport, the needs of the luxury buyer
In second and third place in this special ranking of related interests are the News & Politics (6.71%) and Sport (6.19%) categories. Having ascertained that the sports field is an interest that crosses all social classes, it is nevertheless interesting to mention how information is a determining factor in the life of a "buyer" of luxury.
This means that, beyond the economic possibilities, the high-spending identikit outlines a highly informed figure with a good knowledge of the market and economic-financial dynamics. It is a very important fact to underline, because it underlines how the luxury property market is changing its characteristics, requiring ever greater professionalism and knowledge, both in the proposal phase and in the purchase phase.
On this theme, Luxforsale is certainly an innovative and reliable portal; it is not for nothing that we continuously collect data to allow an ever greater alignment between buyer and seller. And, we repeat, we are not investigators!

Array ( [cf_id] => Array ( [0] => usr [1] => property_city [2] => property_contract_type [3] => property_type [4] => property_country [5] => property_province [6] => property_state [7] => property_locality [8] => property_price [9] => property_price ) [cf_label] => Array ( [0] => Agency [1] => City [2] => Contract [3] => Type [4] => Country [5] => Province [6] => State [7] => Locality [8] => Min price [9] => Max price ) [filter_id] => Array ( [0] => user [1] => city [2] => contract_type [3] => type [4] => country [5] => province [6] => state [7] => locality [8] => price_min [9] => price_max ) [value_label] => Array ( ) [operator_id] => Array ( ) [operator_label] => Array ( ) )